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Born in the city of Chicago as a small boy Pastor Barren had a passion for music. He was always around the musicians and the directors of the church choir. No one really understood what was happening but, in his mind, he was getting ready for the next matter in his life. At the age of 12 he was voted in as the new choir director of his grandmother’s church. Good News Community Church under the leadership of the late Pastor Katie Moon. He held that position for years. He was faithful in all he was given to do. Going all over testifying about the goodness of God. Throughout this period of his life he birthed a ministry and gave it the name Reason Ministries Inc. which started October 7, 2006 and we debuted November 25, 2006 and God has blessed ever since. Gary answered the call to ministry in 2007 and was licensed and ordained by Bishop Timothy Pleasant of Anointed Vessel church.

In February 2011, Pastor Gary W. Barren founded his church New Vision Non-Denominational Church. A native of the Chicago IL, Pastor Barren has served diligently in ministry since his childhood. God used his experiences and His teaching to anoint him to develop disciples and helped empowered and equipped to fulfill God's divine-ordained purpose in their life in faith. Pastor Barren believes in the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, and with God's anointing he ministers to people to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit's power through redemption, restoration, revelation and demonstration. His ministry is based on the scriptures "God has saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus" (2Tim 1:9); and if we believe in Christ, we shall perform greater works than He (John 14:12). Pastor Barren is committed to winning souls for Christ and uses preaching to provide God's divine Word to address matters important to salvation and human existence and for practical application. His focus is always on the glory of God! Pastor Barren is married to Lady Nina Barren with 5 children Paris, NaTosha, Andrew, Kyle and Na’Vayah

Pastor Barren is also a gifted educator, conference speaker and well-rounded musician. When he was called to preach, Pastor Barren was serving as an Assistant Pastor to New Covenant Church under the leadership of Pastor Mitchell Scott. When he responded to the Lord's calling on his life and was licensed to preach, Pastor Barren not only preached the Gospel but used his prior experience to demonstrate and teach servant leadership to church pastors, lay-persons and members in order to help the church be a real live body ministry as well as develop spiritual leaders who carry out the Great Commission of God and Savior Jesus Christ.

His anointing and experience have gifted him with an ability to help the young, new Christians and those seasoned in Christ to prepare for, adapt to and experience transformation spiritually, economically, professionally, and socially in accordance to the Lord. One of his favorite scriptures is "be ye not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Pastor Barren holds a associates’s degree in Music Production from Los Angeles Film in Hollywood California. His life is surrounded by the verse that says:

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the